Unique Consonant Blends



Blends are combinations of two consonants where each sound can still be heard. For example, in the word “black,” the letters bl form a blend because both the “b” and “l” sounds are pronounced.

Here’s a list consonant blends, along with sentences showcasing the blends in context and more organizational option.

List of Blends


black, blue, blanket, bloom, blast, blind, blink, blame, bleed, block, blush, blouse, bleach, blend, blizzard, blister, blubber, blurt, bleak, blazing, blindfold, blithe, blueprint, blob, bloom


class, clock, climb, clear, close, clever, clip, click, cliff, clutch, clue, clash, clover, clump, clench, cling, cloak, clamor, clasp, cloud, clown, clamp, cluster, clatter, clink, clarity


flower, flame, fly, float, flash, flock, flute, floor, flee, flare, flip, fluff, flake, flood, fluent, flick, flourish, flashback, flinch, flap, flesh, fleet, flutter, floodgate, floppy, flameproof


glass, glow, globe, glitter, glide, glance, glove, glue, glimmer, gloomy, gleam, glacier, glaring, glaze, glimpse, glorify, glamorous, gloss, gleaming, glidepath, glisten, glowworm, globule


plane, play, plate, plum, plant, plank, plot, plug, pluck, plow, plunge, plead, pleasant, plankton, plop, plaster, playful, plummet, pliable, plastic, plasma, platter, plume, placid


slide, slow, sleep, slipper, slim, slap, slant, slip, sled, slice, slick, sling, sloth, slay, slit, slumber, slime, sly, sloppy, slump, sliver, slate, slander, sluggish


brick, brave, brush, bright, break, branch, brass, bring, breeze, brow, brisk, broth, braid, bronze, brood, brisket, brittle, bracket, broad, brag, broker, bramble, brusque

Categorized List


Bl: bloom, blizzard, bleak

Cl: cloud, clover, cliff

Fl: flower, flock, flood

Gl: glacier, globe, glowworm

Pl: plant, plum, plankton

Sl: sloth, slime, sliver


Bl: blanket, blouse, blueprint

Cl: clock, clamp, clip

Fl: flute, floor, flash

Gl: glass, glove, globule

Pl: plane, plate, plug

Sl: sled, slate, slipper

Br: brick, branch, bracket


Bl: blink, blend, blister

Cl: climb, cling, clench

Fl: float, flip, flutter

Gl: glide, glance, glimmer

Pl: plunge, pluck, plaster

Sl: slide, slip, slumber

Br: bring, break, brood

Sentences Using the Blends

1. The black blanket was soaked after the blizzard.
2. The cat climbed the cliff, looking for shelter under the clouds.
3. The flock of birds fluttered near the flower-filled field.
4. She used a glass globe to glimpse into the future.
5. The plane flew over a plum orchard near the plank bridge.
6. The baby giggled as he slid down the slick slide.
7. The brave boy picked up a brick to defend himself from danger.

Creative Activities

1. Word Matching Game: Match blends with their objects/actions:

bl → blink, black

sl → slip, slim

Here’s a worksheet to help learners practice blends effectively:

Blends Worksheet

Part 1: Fill in the Blanks

Fill in the blanks with words that start with the given blends:

1. Bl: The sky turned ___ as the storm approached.

2. Cl: Please use the paper ___ to hold the sheets together.

3. Fl: The butterfly began to ___ gracefully in the garden.

4. Gl: The diamonds on her necklace started to ___ under the light.

5. Pl: Farmers use a ___ to prepare the soil for planting.

6. Sl: Be careful, the floor is ___ after the rain.

7. Br: The artist used a paint ___ to create a masterpiece.

Part 4:Match the blends

Part 3: Word Creation

Create as many words as you can using these blends:

1. Bl: ________, ________, ________

2. Cl: ________, ________, ________

3. Fl: ________, ________, ________

4. Gl: ________, ________, ________

5. Pl: ________, ________, ________

6. Sl: ________, ________, ________

7. Br: ________, ________, ________

Part 4: Sentences

Write sentences using the following blends:

1. Bl: ___________________________________________

2. Cl: ___________________________________________

3. Fl: ___________________________________________

4. Gl: ___________________________________________

5. Pl: ___________________________________________

6. Sl: ___________________________________________

7. Br: ___________________________________________

Part 5: Find the Words

Search for the blend words hidden in the grid below:

B L A C K S 
C L I M B P 
F L A M E S 
G L O B E F 
P L A N T S 
S L I D E R 


Congratulations on completing the blends worksheet! Understanding blends helps you read and write words more fluently. Keep practicing to strengthen your skills further. Can you think of more words with blends to add to your vocabulary? Remember, blends are everywhere in the English language, so keep an eye out for them while reading or listening!



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