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First Term Std 11
GrammarHSC Std12 SyllabusFYJC MS BoardCommunication Skills
Parts Of Speech1.1 An Astrologer’s Day1.1 Being NeighbourlyMind Mapping
Types of Sentences1.2 On Saying Please1.2 On To The SummitSummary Writing
Tenses1.3 The Cop And The Anthem1.3 The Call of The SoilEMAIL Writing
Active Voice Passive Voice1.4 Big Data – Big Insight1.4 Pillars of DemocracyBook Review
Direct Speech and Indirect Speech1.5 The New Dress1.5 Mrs AdisExpansion of Ideas
Degrees Of Comparison1.6 Into The Wild2.1 Cherry TreeReport Writing Format And Examples
Affirmative and Negative1.7 2.2 The SowerDrafting a Virtual Message
Basic Usage and Transformation – As soon as/No sooner —than1.8 Voyaging Towards Excellence2.3 There is Another SkySpeech Writing

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