Here’s a suggested time management plan for solving an 80-mark English paper for Std. 12 Maharashtra State Board. This strategy divides the time based on the marks allocated and the nature of the questions. You have a total of 3 hours (180 minutes).
1. Reading the Question Paper (10 minutes)
Quickly go through the entire paper to understand the structure.
Identify easy questions and those requiring more time.
2. Prose Section (2 extracts) – 28 marks (50 minutes)
Extract 1: (12 marks)
Spend about 15–18 minutes answering activities like comprehension, grammar, and vocabulary.
Do as directed (4Marks)
2 minutes
Extract 2: (12 marks)
Spend another 15–18 minutes on similar activities.
3. Summary Writing – 3 marks (10 minutes)
Read the passage carefully.
Highlight key points and draft a concise summary.
4. Mind Mapping – 3 marks (10 minutes)
Focus on creativity and clarity.
Use keywords and relevant visuals to organize your ideas.
5. Poetry Section (2 extracts) – 14 marks (30 minutes)
Extract 1 (Activities based on poetry): 10 marks
Spend 12–15 minutes analyzing the extract and solving related activities.
Extract 2 (Poetic Appreciation): 4 marks
Use 10–15 minutes to write an appreciation covering title, theme, poetic devices, and personal response.
6. Communication Skills (4 questions) – 16 marks (40 minutes)
Each question carries 4 marks.
Spend about 10 minutes per question on:
A. Drafting Virtual Messages/ Statement Of purpose/Group Discussion. (04)
B. Email/Report Writing/ lnterview. (04)
C. Speech/Compering/Expansion of Ideas.(04)
D. Review/Blog/Appeal. (04)
7. Novel Section – 16 marks (20 minutes)
Attempt questions based on themes, characters, or events in the novel.
Write concise and to-the-point answers.
8. Revising Time (10 minutes)
Use the remaining time to:
Check for spelling/grammatical errors.
Ensure all questions are attempted.
Refine answers if needed.

Wonderful plan!
Thank you for this, sharing with Us…
This is helpful for solving the questions
With proper time management .
Study is so nice and beautiful😍✨❤
moreshwar Raut
Vikas pagare