Sentence Transformation – Negative and Interrogative


Do as Directed 1 :

Here is an exercise for Sentence Transformation – Negative and Interrogative

1. I was doubtful whether he would marry here. (Change into negative sentence) 

2. Karim is stronger than Abdul. (Change into negative sentence) 

3. No sooner had we started than it began to rain. (Change into affirmative sentence) 

4. I will never forget that terrible day. (Change into affirmative sentence) 

5. Everyone knows Mahatma Gandhi. (Change into interrogative sentence)

6. Prevention is better than cure. (Change into interrogative sentence) 

7. Can I ever forget his help ? (Chanage into assertive sentence)

8. Is it not bad to bet on horses ? (Change into assertive sentence)

9. He denies stealing the purse. (change into negative sentence) 

10. Mathematics is a difficult subject. (change into negative sentence) 

11. I did not forget her face. (change into affirmative sentence) 

12. No sooner did I see the snake than I ran away. (change into affirmative sentence)

13. Pratap will never misbehave. (change into interrogative sentence) 

14. Everyone cannot go to the United States. (change into interrogative sentence) 

15. Can we live without oxygen ? (change into assertive sentence) 

16. Will he ever become the captain of the team ? (change into assertive sentence)

17. There is no smoke without fire. (change into affirmative sentence) 

18. They are not so stupid as to trust you. (change into interrogative sentence)

19. I will always remember that terrible day. (Change into negative sentence) 

20. All were present at the meeting. (Change into negative sentence) 

21. He is not brave. (Change into affirmative sentence) 

22. I am not sure that she will agree to it. (Change into affirmative sentence) 

23. No-one has seen the wind. (Change into interrogative sentence) 

24. That is not the way a gentleman should behave. (Change into interrogative sentence) 

25. Do we live to eat ? (Change into assertive sentence) 

26. Is there anything nobler than love ? (Change into assertive sentence)

27. Anil is sometimes foolish. (Change into negative sentence) 

28. We can never forget our national heroes. (Change into interrogative sentence) 

29. Atul is taller than Vijay. (change into negative sentence) 

30. Shakespeare is the greatest of English poets. (change into negative sentence) 

31. Rekha is not so pretty as Padma. (change into affirmative sentence) 

32. No one but a fool would do it. (change into affirmative sentence) 

33. Everyone wants to be happy. (change into interrogative sentence) 

34. The leopard cannot change his spots. (change into interrogative sentence) 

35. Do we live to eat ? (change into assertive sentence)

36. Can I ever forget those happy days ? (change into assertive sentence)

37. Tom is as clever as Dick. (change into negative sentence) 

38. An honest man can become rich. (change into interrogative sentence.

Key for Do as directed 1

Here is the key for the above exercise on do as directed :

1. I was not sure whether he would marry here.
2. Abdul is not so strong as Karim. (,) Karim is not weaker than Abdul.
3. We had just started when it began to rain.(,) As soon as we started, it began to rain.
4. I will always remember that terrible day.
5. Who doesn’t know Mahatma Gandhi?
6. Is prevention better than cure?
7. I can never forget his help.
8. It is  bad to bet on horses.
9. He does not admit stealing the purse.
10. Mathematics is not an easy subject.
11. I did not forget her face.
12. I saw the snake and then I ran away.
13. Will Pratap ever misbehave?
14. Can everyone go to the United States?
15. We cannot live without oxygen.
16. He will never become the captain of the team.
17. Is there smoke without fire ?
18. Are they so stupid as to trust you?
19. I will never forget that terrible day.
20. None were present at the meeting. 21. He is coward.
22. I am sure that she will agree to it. 23. Who has seen the wind?
24. Is that the way a gentleman should behave?
25. We do not live to eat.
26. Nothing is nobler than love.
27. Anil is not always foolish.
28. Can we ever forget our national heroes?
29. Atul is not shorter than Vijay.
30. No other poet is as great as Shakespeare.
31. Rekha is as pretty as Padma.
32. No one except a fool would do it.
33. Does everyone want to be happy?
34. Can the leopard change his spots?
35. We live to eat.
36. I can never forget those happy days.
37. Dick is cleverer than Tom.
38. Can’t an honest man become rich?

Study Tips: Study Smarter not Harder



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