Personal Response Type Questions and Answers Std 12


Personal Response Type Questions and Answers Std 12

Since these are personal response activities, answers will vary based on students’ individual perspectives, experiences, and comprehension. Below are sample responses or guiding points for reference:

1. An Astrologer’s Day

Do you believe in astrology? Why or why not?
Answer: I don’t believe in astrology because I feel it’s more about intuition than science. However, I understand why some people might find comfort in it.

Have you ever encountered someone who gave you unexpected advice or insight?
Answer: Yes, a teacher once told me to pursue writing because they noticed my skills, which inspired me to start blogging.

How would you react if someone kept a major secret from you?
Answer: I would feel hurt initially, but I’d try to understand their reasons before reacting.

2. On Saying Please

Why do you think politeness is important?
Answer: Politeness creates a positive environment and helps maintain respect in relationships.

Share an experience where politeness changed your day.
Answer: Once, a stranger held the door open for me when I was carrying heavy bags. It brightened my day because of their thoughtfulness.
How would you handle rudeness?
Answer: I would stay calm and avoid reacting negatively, as politeness can sometimes defuse such situations.

3. The Cop and the Anthem

Have you ever had plans fail?
Answer: Yes, my plan to attend a concert was ruined by unexpected rain. I adapted by watching a movie at home instead.

Should society help people like Soapy?
Answer: Yes, society should provide opportunities like shelter and jobs to help people in need to become self-reliant.

How would you define a turning point in your life?
Answer: A turning point for me was when I chose to study abroad, which broadened my perspective and confidence.

4. Big Data, Big Insight

How does data influence your life?
Answer: Data influences my life through personalized ads and recommendations on platforms like YouTube and Netflix.

Do you feel comfortable sharing data?
Answer: I am cautious about sharing data because it might be misused, but I do share some data for better online experiences.

Advantages and disadvantages of a data-driven world?
Answer: An advantage is improved convenience, like quick shopping recommendations. A disadvantage is the risk of data breaches and loss of privacy.

5. The New Dress

Have you ever felt out of place?
Answer: Yes, at a formal event where I wore casual clothes. It made me realize the importance of understanding the setting.

Do people judge others by appearance?
Answer: Unfortunately, yes. Many form opinions based on looks without understanding the person’s true nature.

Have you tried to fit in?

Answer: Yes, I once changed my hairstyle to match my friend group, but I didn’t feel like myself afterward.

6. Into the Wild

Have you wanted to explore the unknown?
Answer: Yes, I’ve always wanted to backpack through a new country to experience its culture and beauty.

Why do people take risks like McCandless?
Answer: People take such risks to seek freedom, self-discovery, or escape from societal norms.

How do you balance freedom and responsibilities?
Answer: I set aside time for hobbies and travel while ensuring my commitments are fulfilled.

7. Why We Travel?

Why do people travel?
Answer: People travel to explore new cultures, gain experiences, and refresh their minds.

Share a memorable travel experience.
Answer: My trip to the mountains taught me to appreciate nature’s beauty and live in the moment.

How does traveling help us understand ourselves?
Answer: Traveling exposes us to challenges and new ideas, helping us discover what truly matters to us.

8. Voyaging Towards Excellence

What does excellence mean to you?
Answer: Excellence means consistently striving to improve and giving my best effort in everything I do.

Is excellence a journey or destination? Answer: It’s a journey because there’s always room for growth and learning.

Qualities essential for excellence?
Answer: Dedication, discipline, and adaptability are key qualities for achieving excellence.

These are sample keys; students’ answers may vary, and creativity should be encouraged.

Practice Personal Response Type Questions

1. Do you think the astrologer was justified in hiding his past? Why or why not?
2. What do you think is more impactful: politeness or assertiveness? Explain with examples.
3. If you were in Soapy’s situation, how would you try to improve your life?
4. What are the ethical concerns of using big data? How can these be addressed?
5. Why do you think people, like Mabel in the story, often feel insecure about themselves?
6. What is your opinion on Chris McCandless’s decision to abandon everything and venture into the wild?
7. How can travel help in breaking stereotypes about people and cultures?
8. What role do failures play in achieving excellence? Share your perspective.
9. Compare any two characters from the stories you have studied and discuss how their decisions impacted their lives.
10. Select a story from your syllabus that resonates with you the most. Explain why and how it relates to your personal experiences.


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