Nose versus Eyes


Summary of Nose versus Eyes

The poem Nose versus Eyes describes a humorous dispute between the nose and the eyes over who should wear spectacles. Tongue, personified as a lawyer, argues on behalf of the nose, while Chief Baron Ear acts as the judge. Tongue argues that since the nose has always worn spectacles, it should continue to do so. Additionally, Tongue points out that spectacles are designed to fit the nose snugly. The poem ends with a playful question about who would wear spectacles if faces didn’t have noses.

Appreciation of Nose versus Eyes

This poem employs personification and wit to humorously explore the concept of ownership and utility of spectacles. The use of anthropomorphism, with body parts taking on roles typically reserved for humans, adds an amusing layer to the debate. The clever arguments presented by Tongue on behalf of the nose, along with the playful tone of the poem, make it an enjoyable and thought-provoking piece. Additionally, the poem’s conclusion leaves the reader with a lighthearted question to ponder, adding to its charm. Overall, the poem is a delightful exploration of a whimsical scenario.

Theme:The primary theme of the poem is the playful exploration of perspective and ownership. Through the humorous dispute between the nose and the eyes over who should wear spectacles, the poem delves into the concepts of possession, tradition, and utility.

Poetic Devices: Figures of Speech

1. Personification: The poem personifies body parts such as the nose, eyes, tongue, and ear, giving them human-like qualities and roles. This adds humor and whimsy to the poem.

2. Metaphor: The spectacles are metaphorically represented as objects of contention and symbolize ownership and identity.

3. Rhyme Scheme: The poem follows a regular AABB rhyme scheme in each stanza, contributing to its rhythmic flow and playful tone.

4. Alliteration: The repetition of consonant sounds, such as in “spectacles set” and “Tongue was the lawyer,” adds a musical quality to the poem.

5. Imagery: Vivid imagery is used to describe the spectacles and their fit on the nose, enhancing the reader’s visualization of the scene.

6. Irony: The poem employs irony by presenting a lighthearted dispute over spectacles between body parts, which is inherently absurd yet entertaining.

7. Hyperbole: The exaggerated argument presented by Tongue on behalf of the nose, such as claiming possession of spectacles “time out of mind,” adds to the comedic effect of the poem.


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