Magical Power of Suffixes


The suffix “-cide” comes from the Latin word “caedere,” meaning “to kill.” It is used in various terms to indicate the act of killing or the substance used for killing. Here are some words with suffix “-cide” along with their meanings:

1. Homicide: The act of killing another human being.

2. Suicide: The act of intentionally taking one’s own life.

3. Genocide: The deliberate killing of a large group of people, especially those of a particular ethnic group or nation.

4. Insecticide: A substance used for killing insects.

5. Pesticide: A substance used for killing pests, especially insects harmful to crops.

6. Herbicide: A substance used to kill unwanted plants or weeds.

7. Infanticide: The act of killing an infant or young child.

8. Regicide: The act of killing a king or monarch.

9. Patricide: The act of killing one’s father.

10. Matricide: The act of killing one’s mother.

11. Fratricide: The act of killing one’s brother.

12. Sororicide: The act of killing one’s sister.

13. Uxoricide: The act of killing one’s wife.

14. Filicide: The act of killing one’s child.

15. Ecocide: The destruction or killing of the natural environment.

16. Fungicide: A substance used to kill fungi or fungal spores.

17. Germicide: A substance or agent that kills germs or microorganisms.

18. Vermicide: A substance used to kill worms, especially parasitic worms.

19. Bactericide: A substance that kills bacteria.

20. Deicide: The act of killing a god or deity.

Suffix -fy

Here’s a list of words with the suffix -fy, along with their meanings and example sentences:

1. Amplify

Meaning: To make something louder, larger, or more intense. Sentence: The speakers were used to amplify the sound of the singer’s voice.

2. Clarify

Meaning: To make something clearer or easier to understand. Sentence: Can you clarify your instructions so that everyone understands?

3. Beautify

Meaning: To make something more beautiful or attractive. Sentence: She planted flowers in the garden to beautify the surroundings.

4. Simplify

Meaning: To make something simpler or easier to do or understand. Sentence: The teacher tried to simplify the complex math problem for the students.

5. Justify

Meaning: To show or prove that something is right or reasonable. Sentence: He tried to justify his actions by explaining his reasoning.

6. Purify

Meaning: To remove contaminants or impurities from something. Sentence: The water treatment plant works to purify the drinking water.

7. Solidify

Meaning: To make something more solid, strong, or definite. Sentence: The team worked hard to solidify their plans for the project.

8. Personify

Meaning: To represent something abstract in human form. Sentence: The author chose to personify nature, giving the wind a voice and personality.

9. Nullify

Meaning: To make something legally invalid or ineffective. Sentence: The court ruling will nullify the earlier agreement between the two parties.

10. Electrify

Meaning: To charge with electricity or to excite or thrill someone. Sentence: The crowd was electrified by the band’s energetic performance.

These words with the suffix -fy often imply a process of change or transformation.

Suffix -ee and -er, along with their meanings:


Words with -ee (Denotes the receiver of an action)

1. Interviewee Meaning: A person who is being interviewed.

2. Employee Meaning: A person who is employed by someone else.

3. Trainee Meaning: A person who is being trained for a job or skill.

4. Referee Meaning: A person who oversees the rules in a sports game or event.

5. Payee Meaning: A person to whom money is paid.

6. Absentee Meaning: A person who is not present in a place where they are supposed to be.

7. Appointee Meaning: A person who has been appointed to a position.

8. Addressee Meaning: The person to whom something (such as a letter) is addressed.

9. Escapee Meaning: A person who has escaped from a place.

10. Licensee Meaning: A person who holds a license, especially a business license.

Words with -er (Denotes the doer or performer of an action)

1. Interviewer Meaning: A person who asks questions during an interview.

2. Employer Meaning: A person or company that hires and pays people for work.

3. Trainer Meaning: A person who trains people or animals.

4. Referrer Meaning: A person who refers someone to another person or service.

5. Payer Meaning: A person who pays money.

6. Presenter Meaning: A person who presents something, such as a speech or award.

7. Reader Meaning: A person who reads, especially a person who reads books regularly.

8. Writer Meaning: A person who writes, especially as a profession.

9. Singer Meaning: A person who sings, either professionally or for pleasure.

10. Driver Meaning: A person who drives a vehicle.

These suffixes help distinguish between the one performing an action (-er) and the one receiving the action (-ee).



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