Into The Wild : 3 Activity Sheets

Into The Wild : 3 Activity Sheets

The lesson ‘Into the Wild’ from Yuvakbharati 12th Standard HSC is an interesting one giving insight into nature and environment. You should prepare it thouroughly for the board exam. Here you will find glossary, icebreakers, brainstorming and solutions to Yuvakbharati English Maharashtra Board Exam type activities to be competant enough for the board preparation.

Grammar Test


When you went to Jungle?

Who were with you?

What did you find there?

How long you were there?

How did you get lost?

What did you do?

How you came from it?

Language Study

Into the Wild Glossary and notes


1. Arrange the following incidents in a proper sequential order as they have occurred in Part – 1 Into The Wild:

(a) Writer realised that he was lost in the woods.

(b) The Langurs saw the leopard.

(c) The author was moving from the jungle as quietly as possible , finding his way through the thicket.

(d) The author met a villager. 


(c) The author was moving from the jungle as quietly as possible , finding his way through the thicket.

(b) The Langurs saw the leopard.

(d) The author met a villager. 

(a) Writer realised that he was lost in the woods.

2. State whether the following statements from Into The Wild, are true or false. Correct the false statements. 

(a) Earlier Shaaz was in the field of finance.

(b) BCRTI was founded out of the genuine urge to conserve the habitat of the wild life.

(c) Shaaz failed to utilize the finance incurred out of tourism.

(d) According to the local agriculturist seeing is more essential than listening 


a) Earlier Shaaz was in the field of finance. True 

(b) BCRTI was founded out of the genuine urge to conserve the habitat of the wild life . True 

(c) Shaaz failed to utilize the finance incurred out of tourism. False 

Correct : Shaaz utilized the tourist currency to provide local vocational training. 

(d) According to the local agriculturist seeing is more essential than listening. False

Correct : Listening is far more important than sight. 

3. Complete the given web chart

Into The Wild

4. Complete the following 

Into The Wild

5. Complete the flow chart stating the reactions of the petrified Langurs due to the presence of the Leopard.  

Into The Wild

6. Complete the web, describing each step taken by the writer as a solitary traveller while moving in the jungle with great precaution. 

6. Choose appropriate phrases / expressions from the extract given in the brackets. ( time and again, to one’s heart’s content , frantic speed, in a jiffy )

(a) I was on diet for some days but today I am going to eat  ………………………..

(b) Every mother scolds her children ……………….. for the overuse of the mobile phone. 

(c) All their educational problems were sorted out …………. because of the funds given by an NGO.

(d) Raj ran at a  ………………. to catch the tain.  

Ans : (a) I was on diet for some days but today I am going to eat to my heart’s content 

(b) Every mother scolds her children time and again for the overuse of the mobile phone. 

(c) All their educational problems were sorted out in a jiffy because of the funds given by an NGO.

(d) Raj ran at a frantic speed to catch the tain. 

Language Study from Into The Wild

(1) (i) Begin the following sentences with the words given in the brackets.

(a) I can guide visitors. (Visitors)

Ans : Visitors can be guided by me. 

(b) Animals are paying me back.


Ans : I am being paid back by animals. 

(c) The behaviour of the first black panther is being documented.


Ans: They are documenting the behaviour of the first black panther.

(d) All the research on the animal has been done through camera traps.


Ans: They have done all the research on the animal through camera traps. 

(e) Madegowda is employed by the Bison.

(The Bison)

Ans: The Bison employ Madegowda. 

(f) The surroundings were reminding me.


Ans: I was being reminded by the surroundings. 

(g) Raju was amazed at my solitary visits to Umbarzara.

(My solitary)

Ans: My solitary visits to Umbarzara amazed Raju. 

(h) I found a bright red soil trial.


Ans: A bright red soil trial was found by me. 

(i) Older leopards like Pardus carry away livestock from villages.


Ans: Livestock from villages are carried away by older leopards like Pardus.

(j) I have lost almost 80 percent of a season’s yield of sugarcane.

(Almost 80 percent)

Ans: Almost 80 percent of a season’s yield of sugarcane has been lost by me. 

(k) Tracking an animal also teaches you life lessons.

(Life lessons)

Ans: Life lessons also are taught to you by tracking an animal. 

(l) Many things have been taught to me by the forests.

(The forests)

Ans: The forests have taught me many things. 

(m) Resentment among locals towards the animals is created by this.


Ans: This creates resentment among locals towards the animals 

(2) Rewrite the sentences by using ‘not only….but also’:

(a) The petrified Langurs speeded to the trees near and far and secured their places on the tree tops.

Ans: The petrified Langurs not only speeded to the trees near and far but also secured their places on the tree tops.

(b) Umbarzara is the haven for Tigers, Leopards and Sloth Bears.

Ans: Umbarzara is the haven not only for Tigers, Leopards but also for Sloth Bears.

(c) I crossed the cement pillar and stones stacked by the Forest

Development Corporation.

Ans: I crossed not only the cement pillar but also stones stacked by the Forest Development Corporation.

Into the Wild

Questions and answers on “Into the Wild” 

5. Read the extract from Into The Wild and solve the activities. (12)

The eight-and-a-half-hour-long day inside the hide was a fruitful as the Jambha tree standing tall on the edge of Umbarzara. Before wrapping up my day at this natural waterhole, I took entries of the avifauna in my field work. Since I was alone, I rushed to Pitezari village where I was stationed. I camouflaged the hide, took my essentials, and came out of the hide and stretched out to my heart’s content. I lifted my camera bag and took the familiar trial to Pitezari. Negotiating the webbed leaves of Teakwood and Moha trees, trying to make minimal sound, I was treading cautiously among the wood. Walking alone in a jungle needs more alertness than walking with a companion. I was alone here like a fox. Following the trial silently, watching with wide-open eyes, my ears were grasping a variety of sound stunned me…’Khyak! Khyak! KhyakoSS Khyak!’It was a Langur alarm call. The leader of the gang of Langurs was sitting on the tall tree making alarm calls out of fear. Rest of the Langur brigade continued raising the alarm calls. The network of alarm calls was expanding its range as the petrified Langurs speeded to the trees near and far and secured their places on treetops. All this upheaval was created by only one animal’s presence- a Leopard. Many animals make alarm calls when they see a predator- Tiger or a Leopard nearby. The Langur is more reliable when it comes to finding clues about the presence of the apex predators in the jungle. The mighty elusive Leopard of Umbarzara was out of his liar. He was on the prowl. The stealthily moving figure in spotted gold- black cloak was spied by these Langurs. Even the small ones from the legion of Langurs were giving alarm calls.’Chyak! Chyak!’I stayed put. Gauged the leader Langur’s target sight and scanned the area visually. Took some steps. Stopped again. A fresh scat was lying before me on the trail. The bluish-purple flies were hovering over it. I was sure that the Leopard was somewhere near. The distant alarm call of four-horned antelope was adding to the chaos.

A1 Complete the given flowchart about the writer’s activities. (2)

Into The Wild

Ans : 

Into The Wild

A2 Enlist the clues which confirmed the presence of a leapord.

Ans : 1. Langoors were giving alarms. 2. A fresh scat was lying on the trail. 3. The distant alarm call of antelope
A3 Complete. (2)‘I was alone like a fox.’ The writer compares himself to the fox because …..

Ans : The writer compares himself to the fox because he was cautious and alert. 

 A4 State what precautions you would take after finding yourself lost in a jungle. (2)

 A5 Do as directed. (2)i. The langur is the most reliable in finding clues in jungle about predators.(Choose the correct alternative that gives the transformation of the given sentence in Positive Degree)

a. No other animal in jungle is as reliable as langur in finding clues about predators in jungle.

b. No other langur is as reliable as other animals in finding clues about predators in jungle.

c. Langur is as reliable as other animals in jungle in finding clues about predators.

d. Very few animals in jungle are as reliable as langur in finding clues about predators in jungle.

ii. I camouflaged the hide…(Choose correct alternative that has Simple Present Tense form.)

a) I camouflage the hide.

b) I am camouflaging the hide

c) I have camouflaged the hide

d) I can camouflage the hide

A6 Find a word from the extract which mean the following: (2)

i. To hide oneself by covering up with natural or artificial material to mislead the enemy. – camouflage

ii. Finishing the work – wrapping up one’s day

iii. Making oneself safe from danger – Secure

iv. To successfully walk over – treading

Activity Sheet No.1 on Into The Wild

 Read the extract and do all the activities given below.

 ( The eight-and-a-half hour ……….. had moved away.)A1. Arrange the following statements in order as the events have occurred in the extract. 
1. The narrator took entries of birds in his notes. 2. He took the familiar trail to Pitezari. 3. He camouflaged the hide and took his essentials. 4. Alarm call of langur surprised him. 
A2 Pick out the scenes that makes the narrator confirm about the predator’s presence. 
A3. Find out the carefulness and alertness of the Langurs for each other. 
A4. Suggest the ways to save oneself from the clutches of predators in the forest. 

A5. Language Study 1. I lifted my camera bag and took the familiar trail to Pitezari. ( Rewrite the sentence beginning with ‘Lifting my camera….’ and removing ‘and’.) 

2. The Langur is the most reliable when it comes to finding clues about the presence of the apex predators in the jungle. ( Rewrite the sentence beginning with ‘ No other animal …..)
A6. Find the words which mean : a. sudden change b. an animal that preys on other c. frightened d. topmost

Activity Sheet No.2 on Into The Wild

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Read the extract and do all the activities given below.

(I had apparently entered……. was melting down like a fleeting runner.)
A1 Choose the appropriate option and rewrite the statement.1. The narrator had entered in the sanctum sanctorum of a bear/leopard/tiger.2. The narrator saw a bear/tiger/man at a distance.3. The narrator visited Umbarzara/Pitezari/Iskape regularly.4. He was vanished/lost/found in the forest of Umbarzara.
A2. Give reason for the following statements: 1. Raju Iskape was amazed knowing that the narrator regularly visits Umbarzara.2. Raju and the narrator felt relaxed.
A3. Describe the journey of the narrator.
A4. Imagine you are lost in the thick forest. Write how you would feel.
A5. Language Study

Rewrite as instructed.1. But the cat was not visible. (Rewrite as affirmative sentence.)

Ans : But the cat was invisible.

2. We stopped under a tree to take a break. (Rewrite the sentence using gerund form of the underlined word.)

Ans : We stopped under a tree for taking a break.
A6. Find the antonyms for the following words .a. Accompanied  b. giant   c. wide   d. freezing

Activity Sheet No. 3 on Into The Wild

Read the extract and do all the activities given below.

(Soaked in my own sweat……………………………………our good luck.)
À1  Choose the statements that summarise the extract.1. The narrator is completely lost in forest and trying hard to find a way to get secured.2. He was trapped among the hillocks and kept walking in hope.3. After a while he spotted a village following the sound of loudspeaker and light of lantern.4. The narrator was exploring the jungle.
A2. Complete the table 

Birds in the extract                                  
Animals in the extract
1. ————

2. ————
1. ————

2. ————

A3. I found my silver lining on this trail. ExplainA4. Give your younger brother/sister an advice what to do in case he/she gets lost in a town.

A5. Vocabulary Make use of given phrases in your own sentences. One is done for you.
at a frantic speed – I ran at a frantic speed to reach the centre of examination.
a . to one’s heart’s content        b. in a jiffy. 
A6. Language Study
1. I was still there searching for a suitable tree to climb and get secured. (Rewrite using past perfect continuous tense.)

2. The sloth bear of Umbarzara must be out in open sniffing for food. (Replace the modal auxiliary with another indicating less possibility.)

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