Nouns and adjectives are the important parts of speech. One should learn the formation of words such as making adjective from noun. Here is a list of such word formation.
Nouns and Their Adjective Forms | Nouns and Their Adjective Forms | ||
Accident अपघात | accidental अपघाती | music संगीत | musical संगीतमय |
Anger राग | angry रागीष्ट | nation राष्ट्र | national राष्ट्रीय |
Beauty सौंदर्य | beautiful सुंदर | nature निसर्ग | natural नैसर्गिक |
Boy मुलगा | boyish पोरकट | noise आवाज | noisy गजबज |
Care काळजी | carefulकाळजीपुर्वक | north उत्तर | northern उत्तरेकडिल |
Caution सावधानता | cautious सावध | parent पालक, आई-वडिल | parental आई-वडिलाचे/कडिल |
Centre मध्य | central मध्यवर्ती | peace शांती | peaceful शांतता |
Child मुल, बाळ | childish/childlike बालीश | person व्यक्ती | personal वैयक्तीक |
China चिन | Chinese चीनी | pity दया | pitiful दयाळु |
Circle वर्तुळ | circular वर्तुळाकार | poison विष | poisonous विषारी |
Comfort आराम | comfortable आरामदायी | poverty दारिद्र्य | poor गरीब, |
Comedy विनोद | comical विनोदी | pride गर्व | proud गर्विष्ठ |
Cowardness भीत्रेपणा | coward भीत्रा | quarrel भांडन | quarrelsome भांडनखोर |
Cruelty क्रुरता | cruel क्रुर | responsibility जबाबदारी | responsible जबाबदार |
Culture संस्कॄती | cultural सांस्क्रुतिक | science विग्यान,विदद्याण | scientific वैद्न्यानीक |
Danger धोका | dangerous धोकादायक | sense जाण | sensible |
Day दिवस | daily दैनिक | silk रेशम | silky रेशमी |
Disaster प्रकोप | disastrous | skill कौश्यल्य | skilful कौश्यल्यवान |
Distance अंतर | distant दुरचे | smoke धुर | smoky धुसर |
Duty कर्तव्य | dutiful कर्तव्यनिष्ट, dutiable | sorrow दु:ख | sorrowful दु:खी |
East पूर्व | eastern पौर्वात्य | south दक्षिण | southern दाक्षिणात्य |
Europe युरोप | European युरोपचे | speed वेग | speedy वेगवान |
Faith विश्वास | faithful विश्वासु | star तारा | starry तारांकित |
Fame प्रसीद्धि | famous प्रसीध्द | stone दगड | stony खडकाळ |
Father वडिल | fatherly वडिलकिचे | storm वादळ | stormy वादळी |
Fear भिती | fearful भितीदायक | strength ताकद, शक्ती | strong मजबुत |
Fever ताप | feverish तापासारखे | success यश | successful यशस्वी |
Foolishness मुर्खपणा | foolish ,fool मुर्ख | sun सुर्य | sunny स्वच्छ उन |
Fortune भाग्य | fortunate भाग्यशाली | tail शेपटी | tailless शेपटीहिन |
France | French | talent हुशारी, बुध्दि | talented बुध्दिमान |
Friend मित्र | friendly मैत्रीपुर्ण | terror भीति | terrible भीतिदायक |
Fury राग | furious रागावलेला | thirst तहान | thirsty तहानलेला |
Girl मुलगि | girlish मुलिसारखा | thought विचार | thoughtful विचारशिल |
Glory वैभव | glorious वैभवशाली | thought | thoughtless विचारहिन |
God इश्वर | godly इश्वरी | trouble त्रास | troublesome त्रासदायक |
Gold सोने | goldenसोनेरि | truth सत्य | truthful सत्यवादि |
Harm जखम/ इजा | harmful हानीकारक | value मुल्य | valuable मुल्यवान |
Height उंची | high उंच | victory विजय | victorious विजयी |
Hero | Heroic | war युध्द | warlike युध्दसद्रुश्य |
Hunger भुख | hungry भुखेला | water पाणी | watery पाणिदार |
India भारत | Indian भारतिय | wave लाट | wavy लाटेसमान |
Joy आनंद | joyful आंनदी | west पश्चिम | western पाश्चिमात्य |
Law कायदा | lawful कायदेशिर | wind हवा | windy हवेशीर |
Length लांबी | long लांब | winter हिवाळा | wintry हीव |
Life जीवन | live, lively जीवंत | wisdom चातुर्य | wise चतुर |
Love प्रेम | lovely प्रेमळ | wood लाकुड | wooden लाकडी |
Man मानुस | manly माणसाप्रमाने | wool | woollen |
mountain पर्वत | mountainous पर्वतीय | year वर्ष | yearly वार्षिक |
youth तारुण्य | young/youthful तरुण |
Nouns and Their Adjective Forms Parts of Speech
Pick out the pair of adjective and noun from each sentence.
1. The old dress had too many pockets.
2. My younger brother won the race.
3. We should eat at the Indian restaurant today.
4. I like eating juicy fruits.
5. My new sweater is very comfortable.
6. Martha adores her kind mother.
7. Fluffy omelets taste the best.
8. Short kids must stand in the front of the line.
9. Our new furniture look great in our living room.
10. The girl with the blue eyes moved here yesterday.
11. She came back because the local train was too late.
12. Thomas asked his elder sister to drive him to the stadium.
13. I tried listening to the informative speech but I fell asleep.
Nice .
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