6 Important Uses of Articles

Important uses of articles

What is an article?

An article is an adjective or a determiner. Like adjectives, articles modify nouns. Learning of uses of articles is very necessary.

There are two types of articles in English. Definite article and indefinite article.

Uses of Articles

Articles are used before nouns.

Articles: Definite(the ) and indefinite(a/an)

Definite article ‘The’ is used to refer to specific or particular nouns;  indefinite article a/an is used to modify non-specific or non-particular nouns.

the = definite article

a/an = indefinite article

Observe the following sentences and learn the uses of Articles.
1. We celebrate our Independence Day on the fifteenth of August.
2. The highest range of mountains in the world is the Himalayas.
3. The Taj Mahal attracts a lot of tourists every year.
4. The Ganga is a holy river but it is not in Maharashtra.
5. The distance from the sun to the earth is 149.6 million kilometers.
6. Yesterday I saw a European riding an elephant.
7. Driving a boat is not the same as driving a car.
8. The Women’s Organisation raised the same problem.

9.The rich should help the poor.
10.The sun sets in the west.
11. He goes to  church for offering prayers.
12. My mother has gone to a hospital to visit a sick relative.
13. I feel tired as I went a bed late last night.
14. I went to a church to see the carvings.
15. A stranger went to the School to complain about the behavior of one of the pupils.
16. He was found guilty of theft and sent to  Prison for six months.
17. If you are seriously ill, you will have to go  hospital.

Lets study Articles: Definite and indefinite 

Look at the following words with indefinite article ‘a’.
Indefinite article ‘a’ is used before nouns. Nouns are arranged alphabetically to get the idea about the use of articles.

a boy       a cat          a dirty place    a fish     a goat     a hill      a jug       a kettle    a lion    a mango      a nest      a pancake       a quill         a river   a  story   a tablet   a van      a watch   a yacht  a zebra
a university    a uniform  a union 

Look at the following words with indefinite articles ‘an’.

an applean M.P. 
an elephantan honest man
an inkpot an honourable man
an orange an  M.B. A. degree 
an umbrellaan heir
an M.L.A.
The words show that a singular common countable noun takes indefinite article 'a' or 'an' . Those beginning with consonant sound (not letter) take 'a' before them. Those beginning with vowel sound (not letter) take 'an' before them.

Articles: Definite and indefinite 

Observe the use of definite article ‘the’ in the following extract.

The United Kingdom is an island surrounded by the English Channel, the Atlantic, the Irish Sea and the North Sea. It is made up of four regions: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, and although London is the capital of whole country, each region has its own capital city (London, Edinburgh, Cardiff and Belfast). The best-known rivers are: the Thames, the Severn, the Humber and the Mersey. The highest mountains in the United Kingdom are found in Scotland (the Grampians) and The North Wales (the Cambrian Mountains), while England’s major range is called the pennies. English is spoken everywhere in Britain.

Remember the following 6 tips for the use of definite article

  It shows that definite article ‘the’ is used before

1) names of unique things e.g. the sun, the moon, the earth, the sky, the Tajmahal

  2) names (proper noun) of ocean, river, island, mountain ranges,historical monuments and holy books e. g. the Indian Ocean, the Pacific Ocean, the Ganga, the Tapi,the Kauvery, the Andman and Nikobar, the Himalayas, the Sahyadris, the Alps, the Rocky, the Red Fort, the Tajmahal, the Bhagwad Geeta, the Quran, the Bible

 3) names of musical instruments e.g the guitar, the flute, the sitar, the sarangi

 4) before ordinal numbers, superlative adjectives  e. g. the first, the second, the fifth, the twelfth, the best, the most beautiful, the tallest

 5) before the nouns which is referred earlier:  ‘a’ or ‘an’ is used when we refer it for the first time but later on for the same noun we use ‘the’ before it.

e.g. I bought a book. The book had some missing pages.

 6) before the adjective that perform the function of noun e.g. The young should come forward to  shoulder the responsibility. The rich should help the poor.

 More Examples of Definite Article

  1. The sun is shining brightly today.
  2. The moon will rise at sunset tonight.
  3. The wind is blowing from the east.
  4. The children are playing in the park.
  5. The cat is sleeping on the couch.
  6. The mountains in the distance look beautiful.
  7. The book on the shelf is my favorite novel.
  8. The flowers in the garden are blooming.
  9. The dog is barking at the mailman.
  10. The movie theater on the corner is showing a new film.

 Insert the article a, an,or the ( definite article or indefinite article )where necessary. Choose x where no article is used.

1) I like …. blue T-shirt over there better than …. red one.

2) Their car runs 150 miles … hour.

3) Where’s … USB drive I lent you last week?

4) Do you still live in ……Bristol?

5) Is your mother working in ……. old office building?

6) Carol’s father works as …….electrician.

7) The tomatoes are 99 pence …… kilo.

8) What do you usually have for …… breakfast?

9) Ben has ….. terrible headache.

10) After this tour you have ……. whole afternoon free to explore ……. city. 


1) I like the blue T-shirt over there better than the red one.
2) Their car runs 150 miles an hour.
3) Where’s the USB drive I lent you last week?
4) Do you still live in x Bristol?
5) Is your mother working in an old office building?
6) Carol’s father works as an electrician.
7) The tomatoes are 99 pence kilo.
8) What do you usually have for x breakfast?
9) Ben has terrible headache.
10) After this tour you have the whole afternoon free to explore the city. 

Exercise on Articles: Definite and indefinite

Fill in the correct article (A , AN or THE) where necessary – or leave blank !
1. _______ moon goes round _______ earth every 27 days.
2. The Soviet Union was _______ first country to send a man into _____ space.
3. Did you see the film on _______ television or at _______ cinema?
4. I’m not very hungry, I had _______ big breakfast.
5. I never listen to _____. radio. In fact, I haven’t got _______ radio.
6. What is _______ highest mountain in _______ world?
7. It was a long voyage. We were at _______ sea for four weeks.
8. Look at _______ apples on that tree. They’re very large.
9. _______ women are often better teachers than _______ men.
10. In Britain _______ coffee is more expensive than _______ tea.
11. We had a very nice meal. _______ cheese was especially good.
12. They got married but _______ marriage wasn’t very successful.
13. I know someone who wrote a book about _______ life of Gandhi.
14. _______ life would be very difficult without _______ electricity.
15. _______ Second World War ended in 1945.

More Examples

16. Do you know _______ people who live next door?
17. Are you interested in _______ art or _______ architecture?
18. Don’t stay in that hotel. _______ beds are very uncomfortable.
19. I hate _______ violence.
20. John himself doesn’t go to _______ church.

21. After _______ work Ann usually goes home.
22. When Ann was ill, we went to _______ hospital to visit her.
23. _______ British Prime Minister lives in _______ Downing Street 10.
24. _______ Tate Gallery is the main modern art museum in London.
25. Have you ever visited _______ Tower of London?
26. Do you know _______ time? Yes, _______ clock in _______ hall has just struck nine.
27. I am on _______ night duty. When you go to _______ bed, I go to _______ work.
28. There will always be a conflict between _______ old and _______ young. _______ young people want
_______ change but old people want _______ things to stay _______ same.
29. In the past _______ most young boys became a farmer or got another job in their village.
30. _______ city life is very noisy, hectic and dirty.

31. The waste gases of cars and factories are the primary reasons for _______ air pollution.
32. People only have parks, where they can enjoy _______ nature.
33. At the beginning I spoke about _______ tourism in _______ towns.
34. It’s right that there aren’t so many ways of spending _______ daily life in _______ suburbs.
35. But is it still true that the countryside is praised to be _______ best place for living.
36. But when you live in _______ solitude you are not always happy

Fill in blanks with a, an or the.

i. My effort was over and I collapsed almost unconscious, with –––– (1)
arm on either side of me. It was only then that real pain overtook me. I
felt like –––– (2) exploded flashlight with no will to live; I just went on
existing in –––– (3) most passive physical state without being quite
ii. It was –––– (4) capital idea of mine. But I haven’t –––– (5) instant to
lose. First of all, let me put Mr. Cox’s things out of Mr. Box’s way. Now
then, to put –––– (6) key where Mr. Cox always finds it.
iii. You must cross –––– (7) Atlantic to go to –––– (8) U.S.A.
iv. Lynda is _ (9) Australian, but her husband is _ (10) European.

1.(A) Fill in the blanks with appropriate articles: –

(i) This is _ book I want. the (ii) My uncle is—— doctor. a
(iii) She is ——–untidy girl. an
(iv) This is ——-best book on the subject. the
(v) Please wait ——–minute. a
(vi)Twelve inches make ——-foot. a
(vii) He enjoyed—– lunch. the
(viii) He is —-M.A. in English. an
(ix) Future turns like ——wheel. a
(x) __ cow is a useful animal. A

1. (A) Fill in the blanks with suitable articles:

1. _____ cow is a useful animal. 

2. It was _____largest ship.

3. One evening _____ beggar came to my door.

4. Sri Lanka is _____ island.

5. There is ____ horse in the field. 

6. Gardening is ______ good hobby. 

7. He is _____ M.P.

8. He is ——–M.L.A. of this area.

9. There is ___ white tiger in the zoo.

10. What is ___exact cause of illness?

11. ___pen is mightier than the sword.

12. It is ___easy task.

13. China is to ____north of India.

14. ___ dog is a friendly animal.

15. Picasso was____artist.

16. My cousin is___Surgeon

17. ____Americans earn more money.

18. It was __ honour to meet you.

19. The horse is ___noble animal.

20. The rose is___ sweetest of all flowers. 

Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.

1.Jack is senior ______ Fred.

2. I have known him ______ five years.

3. The boy is suffering _______ fever.

4. He has many pencils ______ his bag.

6. Put this picture ______ the wall.

5. It has been raining ______ yesterday.

7. I am not afraid _____ dog 

8. Let’s meet____ six o’clock.

9. I am not afraid ____dog.

10. I went to Scotland_____1980.

11. I was looking ____my lost key.

12. We ran_____ the bushes.

13. My sister looks____ my grandmother.

14. He sat ____ the chain.

15. I prefer coffee_____ tea.

16. She is fond ___ music.

17. We should have complete faith _____ God.

18. He has many pencils ___ his bags.

19. Distribute these chocolates ____ all poor children.

20. I go to school _____ bus.

A. Fill in the blanks with suitable articles:

1. A cow is a useful animal.
2. It was the largest ship.
3. One evening, a beggar came to my door.
4. Sri Lanka is an island.
5. There is a horse in the field.
6. Gardening is a good hobby.
7. He is an M.P.
8. He is the M.L.A. of this area.
9. There is a white tiger in the zoo.
10. What is the exact cause of illness?
11. The pen is mightier than the sword.
12. It is an easy task.
13. China is to the north of India.
14. A dog is a friendly animal.
15. Picasso was an artist.
16. My cousin is a surgeon.
17. Americans earn more money.
18. It was an honor to meet you.
19. The horse is a noble animal.
20. The rose is the sweetest of all flowers.

B. Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions:

1. Jack is senior to Fred.
2. I have known him for five years.
3. The boy is suffering from fever.
4. He has many pencils in his bag.
5. It has been raining since yesterday.
6. Put this picture on the wall.
7. I am not afraid of dogs.
8. Let’s meet at six o’clock.
9. I am not afraid of dogs.
10. I went to Scotland in 1980.
11. I was looking for my lost key.
12. We ran through the bushes.
13. My sister looks like my grandmother.
14. He sat on the chair.
15. I prefer coffee to tea.
16. She is fond of music.
17. We should have complete faith in God.
18. He has many pencils in his bag.
19. Distribute these chocolates among all poor children.
20. I go to school by bus.

Test on Articles: Definite and indefinite

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