Perfect Guide to 1 Direct Speech Indirect Speech

Direct Speech Indirect Speech

Learn Tenses and Types of Sentences before Direct Speech Indirect Speech.

Guide for Direct Speech Indirect Speech

Direct Speech And Indirect Speech

Direct Speech चे Indirect Speech मध्ये रुपांतर करतांना Reporting Verb, Reported Speech मध्ये बदल करावा लागतो. तसेच conjunction वापरावे लागते.

Reporting Verb वाक्याच्या प्रकारानुसार बदलते.

conjunction सुद‍धा वाक्याच्या प्रकारानुसार वापरतात.

Reported Speech मधील वाक्यांश Indirect speech मध्ये बदलतांना प्रश्नार्थक(Interrogative), आज्ञार्थी (Imperative) , उदगारवाचक(Exclamatory) वाक्याचे विधानार्थी वाक्यात रुपांतर करावे.

Direct Speech: 1. He said to me, “I am writing a letter.”

वरील वाक्यात Reported speech : I am writing a letter. आहेत.

Reporting verb : said to

Speaker : He

Listener : me

2. “Oracle” said he “chose me as the wisest Athenian”

वरील वाक्यात Reported speech :Oracle chose me as the wisest Athenian. आहेत.

Reporting verb : said

Speaker : he

Basic Rules to Change Direct Speech into Inidrect Speech

Sentence TypeChange in Reporting VerbUse of Conjunctionवाक्याचि ओळख Identity
Assertivesaid चा said, said to चा toldthatशेवटी (.) सुरवातीस नाम/सर्वनाम
Imperativesaid (to) चा asked, requested advised, ordered etc.toशेवटी (.) सुरवातीस क्रीयापद
Verbal Questionsaid चा asked, inquiredif/ whetherशेवटी (?) सुरवातीस स. क्रीयापद
Wh-Questionsaid चा askedwh-word
शेवटी (?) wh-word
Exclamatorysaid चा exclaimed
thatशेवटी (!) सुरवातीसWhat,How

Reported Speech मधील Pronoun मध्ये बदल करावा लागतो. तो Direct Speech च्या Speaker व Listener नुसार असतो.

1. First Person Pronouns are changed according to Speaker. प्रथम पुरुषी सर्वनामाचा बदल Speaker नुसार होतो.

Changes in First Person Pronoun

Pronoun forms in Reported SpeechIf the speaker is ‘He’ किंवा ए.व.पुरुष नामIf the speaker is ‘She’ किंवा ए.व. स्त्री नाम
I changes intoheshe

2. प्रथम पुरुषी अनेकवचनी सर्वनामाचा बदल त्रुतीय पुरुषी सर्वनामात होतो. We- they; us-them; our-their.

3. व्दितीय पुरुषी सर्वनामाचा बदल Listener नुसार होतो.

4. त्रुतीय पुरुषी सर्वनामात बदल होत नाहि.

Second Person Person in Reported Speech | Listener – himListener -herListener -themListener -meListener -us
you (subject)heshetheyIwe

5.Reporting Verb भुतकाळी असल्यास Reported Speech मधील वाक्याचा काळ बदलतो.

Tenses Direct SpeechIndirect Speech
Simple PresentSimple Past
Present Continuous Past Continuous
Present PerfectPast Perfect
Present Perfect ContinuousPast Perfect Continuous
Simple PastPast Perfect Tense
Past ContinuousPast Perfect Continuous
Future (Shall/will)would

6. इतर शब्दामध्ये होणारे बदल पुढील प्रमाणे आहेत.

Direct SpeechIndirect Speech
todaythat day
tomorrowthe next day
yesterdaythe previous day

Report the following in indirect speech.

Nagesh said to his friends, “We should leave now.”

Ans: Nagesh told his friends that they should leave then.

2 The team members said to their captain, “Do you think we can still win the match?”

Ans: The team members asked their captain if he thought they could still win the match.

3. The teacher said to the class, “Keep the classroom clean.”

Ans: The teacher advised the class to keep the classroom clean.

4. The people said to the minister, “What happened to the promises you made?”

Ans: The people asked the minister what happened to the promises he had made.

5. The doctor said, “Avoid eating raw vegetables when you have a stomach infection.”

The doctor advised to avoid eating raw vegetables when one has a stomach infection.

6. The cops said, “Clear the road for the ambulance.”

Ans: The cops warned to clear the road for the ambulance.

7. The lady said, “I was promised free servicing when I bought the washing machine.”

Ans: The lady said that she had been promised free servicing when she had bought the washing machine.

8. The guide said, “Tomorrow we will explore the island.”

Ans : The guide said that they would explore the island the next day.

9. The zookeeper said to the visitors, “Do not tease or feed the animals.”

Ans: The zookeeper warned the visitors not to tease or feed the animals.

10. Geetha said to me, “I think you and I should participate in the debate.”

Ans: Geetha told me that she thought I and she should participate in the debate.

Observe the following sentences of Direct Speech Indirect Speech.  

Assertive Sentences Reported Speech

1. He said, “I am working in my garden.” 

He said that he was working in his garden. 

2. He said, “They pay me for my work.” 

He said that they paid him for his work. 

3. She said, “I am working in my garden.” 

She said that she was working in her garden.

4. She said, “They pay me for my work.” 

She said that they paid her for her work. 

5. He said to me, “You are working in your garden.” 

He told me that I was working in my garden. 

6. He said to us, “You are rewarded for your commendable job.” 

He told us that we were rewarded for our commendable job. 

7. He said to him, “You have done your job well.” 

He told him he had done his job well. 

8. She said to him, “I am proud of you.” 

She told him that she was proud of him. 

9. He said to her, “You tried your best.” 

He told her that she had tried her best. 

10. He said to her, “I will assist you.” 

He told her that he would assist her. 

11. He said to them,” You are doing a good job.” 

He told them that they were doing a good job. 

12. He said to them, “I noticed you when you were helping your people.” 

He told them that he had noticed them when they had been helping their people. 

 Imperative Reported Speech / Direct Speech Indirect Speech. 

13. He said, “Open the door.” 

He asked to open the door. 

14. She said, “Please give me ten rupees.” 

She requested to give her ten rupees. 

15. The teacher said, “Cut the nails regularly.” 

The teacher advised to cut the nails regularly. 

Verbal Questions Reported Speech / Direct Speech Indirect Speech. 

16. He said to me, “Are you all right?” 

He asked me if I was all right. 

17. He said to them, “Do you agree with me?” 

He asked them if they agreed with him. 

Wh-question Reported Speech

18. He said, “What was it?” 

He asked what it was(had been).

18. “Whose last rites are you performing?” said the old man.

The old man asked whose last rites they were performing. 

Exclamatory Sentences Reported Speech

19. She said,” What a beautiful flower!” 

She exclaimed that it was a very beautiful. 

20. She said, “How lucky I am!” 

She exclaimed that she was very lucky.

Mixed Pattern of Direct Speech Indirect Speech. 

21. “The neighbours give us little things from time to time and we somehow survive”, said the poor children. 

The poor children said that the neighbours gave us little things from time to time and they somehow survived. 

22. “Why are we here?” asked a boy to his mother. 

A boy asked his mother why they were there. 

23. “Did you leave him with your parents? “asked Sadhu to his disciple. 

Sadhu asked his disciple if he had left him with his parents. 

24. The king said to the soldiers, “Bring the guilty man to my court tomorrow.” 

The king ordered the soldiers to bring the guilty man to his court the next day. 

25. “Do not forget to take a torch, Mohan”, said Rohan. 

Rohan suggested Mohan not to forget to take a torch.

26. “It’s so unfair!” said the boys.

 The boys exclaimed that it was very unfair.

27. He says,”I will attend your party.”

He says that he will attend his/her party.

Learn Active Voice Passive Voice Develop Writing Skills

Rewrite the following in Indirect speech.

(a) “Put the fear out of your heart and you will be able to speak like everyone
else”. Bholi looked up as if to ask, “Really?”
Ans: The teacher advised Bholi to put the fear out of her heart. He further assured that she would be able to speak like everyone else. Bholi looked up as if to ask if she would really speak.

(b) “Yes, certainly,” his wife said, “Bholi will be lucky to get such a well-to-do bridegroom.” Ans: His wife asserted with certainty that Bholi would be lucky to get such a well-to-do bridegroom.

(c) Ramlal’s wife said, “What will that witless one say? She is like a dumb cow.”
 “May be you are right.” muttered Ramlal. Ramlal’s wife asserted that that witless one would say nothing. She added that she (Bholi) was like a dumb cow. Ramlal agreed that perhaps she ( his wife) was right.

(d) “Be a little considerate, please. If you go back, I can never show my face in
the village.” “Then out with five thousand.” Ans: Ramlal requested to be a little considerate. He added that if he ( Bishamber )went back, he could never show his face in the village. Bishamber demanded to come out with five thousand.

(e) “Pitaji”, Take back your money, I am not going to marry this man.” “Bholi,
are you crazy?” shouted Ramlal. Ans: Bholi addressed as Pitaji and asked to take back his money. She further said that she was not going to marry that man. Ramlal shouted at Bholi and asked if she was crazy.

(f)”O wise one ! could you give me the answer to my questions ?” the king said to the hermit.(Change into indirect speech)

Ans : The king addressed the hermit as wise man and asked him if he could give him the answer to his question.


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