3 Degrees Of Comparison With Examples

Degrees of Comparison

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Degrees Of Comparison

Change the Degree
1. Positive Degree
दोन वस्तु किंवा व्यक्ती मध्ये सम प्रमाणात असलेल्या गुणांची तुलना करण्यासाठी Positive Degree वापरतात.
example: Honey is as sweet as sugar. शहद साखरे इतकेच गोड आहे.

2. Comparative Degree
दोन वस्तु किंवा व्यक्ती मध्ये कमी अधीक प्रमाणात असलेल्या गुणांची तुलना करण्यासाठी Comparative Degree वापरतात.
for example: Gold is costlier than silver. सोने चांदी पेक्षा महाग आहे.
3. Superlative Degree
एखादा विशी‍ष्ठ गुण एखाद्या व्यक्ती वा वस्तु मधे सर्वाधीक असल्यास Superlative Degree वापरतात.
for example: December is the coldest month. डिसेंबर सर्वाधीक थंडीचा महिना होय.
Maharashtra is one of the most fertile states. सर्वाधीक सुपीक राज्यांपैकी महाराष्ट्र एक आहे.
  1. Shakuntala is the best play in Sanskrit.

    Comp: Shakuntala is better than any other play in Sanskrit..

    Posi: No other play in Sanskrit is as good as Shakuntala.

  2. Madras is one of the biggest of Indian cities.

    Comp : Madras is bigger than most other Indian cities.

    Posi : Very few Indian cities are as big as Madras.

  3. The tiger is the most ferocious of all the animals.

    The tiger is more ferocious than any other animal.

    No other animal is as ferocious as the tiger.

  4. December is the coldest month in India.

    In India December is colder than any other month.

    In India no other month is as cold as December.

  5. Hunger is the best sauce.

    Hunger is better than any other sauce.

    No other sauce is as good as hunger.

  6. Greenland is the largest island in the world.

    Greenland is larger than any other island in the world.

    No other island in the world is as large as Greenland.

  7. Mumbai is the best seaport in India.

    Mumbai is better than any other seaport in India.

    No other seaport in India is as good as Mumbai.

  8. The mango is the sweetest of fruits.

    The mango is sweeter than any other fruit.

    No other fruit is as sweet as the mango.

  9. This is the most difficult task.

    This task is more difficult than any other task.

    No other task is as difficult as this one.

  10. Delhi is one of the biggest cities in India.

    Delhi is bigger than most other cities in India.

    Very few cities in India are as big as Delhi.

  11. Adam is one of the swiftest runners in the school.

    Adam is swifter than most other runners in the school.

    Very few runners are as swift as Adam.

  12. A rainbow is one of the most beautiful sights.

    A rainbow is more beautiful than most other sights

    Very few sights are as beautiful as a rainbow.

  13. No other metal is as useful as iron.

    Iron is the most useful metal.

    Iron is more useful than any other metal.
  14. Shyama is the best dancer.
    Pos=No other dancer is as good as Shyama.
    Comp=Shyama is better than any other dancer.

  15. No other place on the earth is so beautiful as Kashmir Valley.

    Kashmir valley is the most beautiful place on the earth.

  16. Roads are better maintained in Punjab than in Uttar Pradesh.

    Roads in Uttar Pradesh are not maintained as good as in Punjab.

  17. The Nile is longer than all other rivers.

    Sup: The Nile is the longest of all rivers.

  18. Diamond is harder than any other substance.

    Sup: Diamond is the hardest substance.

  19. He is as cunning as a fox.

    Fox is not more cunning than he.

  20. The aeroplane flies faster than birds.

    Birds do not fly as fast as the aeroplane..

  21. Mahabaleshwar is cooler than Panchgani.

    Panchgani is not as cool as Mahabaleshwar.

  22. 1. Superlative Degree चे Positive Degree करतांना No other ने वाक्याची सुरुवात करावी .
    २. त्यानंतर superlative विशेषणानंतरचे शब्द वापरावे.
    ३. नंतर क्रियापद ठेवुन as___ as मध्ये विशेषणाचे मूळ रुप ठेवावे ४. शेवटी कर्ता वापरावा.
    5. वाक्यात one of शब्द्प्रयोग असल्यास Very few ने सुरुवात करावी. क्रियापद are किंवा were वापरावे.

    Super. : Elephant is the strongest animal. POSITIVE: No other animal is as strong as elephant.
    Super. : Nagpur is one of the biggest cities in Maharashtra.
    Positive : Very few cities in Maharashtra are as big as Nagpur.

    Change the Voice
    2. Superlative चे Comparative करतांना the काढून टाकावे. Superlative विशेषणाचे Copmarative रुप लीहावे. त्यानंतर than any other वापरुन पुढील शब्दसमुह वापरावा. वाक्यात one of शब्द्प्रयोग असल्यास than most other वापरावा.

    Super. : Elephant is the strongest animal. Elephant is stronger than any other animal.

    Super : Nagpur is one of the biggest cities in Maharashtra.
    Nagpur is bigger than most other cities in Maharashtra.

    3. दोन व्यक्ति किंवा वस्तु मध्येच तुलना असलेल्या वाक्यांचे Degree change करतांना पूढिल गोष्टी ल‍क्षात ठेवाव्या.
    1. Comparative चे Positive करतांना than नतंरचे शब्द प्रथम वापरावे. नतंर क्रीयापद वापरावे. वाक्य होकारार्थी असल्यास not वापरावा. so____as किंवा as___as मध्ये Positive विशेषण वापरावे.(त्या विशेषण शब्दापुर्वीचा more किंवा शब्दातील r/er काढुन ). than वगळून टाकावा. शेवटी कर्ता वापरावा.

    Comp: Histology is more difficult than Anatomy.
    Posi: Anatomy is not so difficult as Histology.

    2. Positive चे Copmarative करतांना as नतंरचे शब्द प्रथम वापरावे.नतंर क्रीयापद वापरावे. वाक्य होकारार्थी असल्यास not वापरावा. नकारार्थी असल्यास वगळून टाकावा. विशेषणाचे Comparative रुप लीहून than नतंर कर्ता वापरावा.

    Posi: Rex was as powerful as wrestler.
    Comp: Wrestler was not more powerful than Rex.

    Read the following sentences and change the degree of comparison.

    1. Very few metals are as precious as gold.

    Comp: Gold is more precious than most other metals.
    Superlative: Gold is one of the most precious metals.

    2. I have more books than you.

    Posi: You do not have as much books as I have.

    3. Birbal was the wisest man in the court. Posi: No other man in the court was as wise as Birbal.
    Comp: Birbal was wiser than any other man in the court.
    4. She looked the happiest woman in the world.
    Posi: No other woman in the world looked as happy as she.
    Comp: She looked happier than any other woman in the world.
    5. The earliest work on dancing is the Natya shastra.
    Posi: No other work on dancing is as early as Natya shastra.
    Comp : The Natya shastra is earlier than any other work.

    Go through the following test on Degrees of Comparison.

Conversation for Improving Speaking English


  1. Superb article on Degrees of Comparison.
    Easy to understand as many examples are displayed.
    Thanku sir

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