Appreciation of STD 10 Poems

Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening

Title: “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening”
Poet: Robert Frost
Rhyme scheme: The poem follows the rhyme scheme AABA BBCB CCDC DDDD.
Figures of speech: The poem employs several figures of speech, including personification (“My little horse must think it queer”), imagery (“watch his woods fill up with snow,” “woods are lovely; dark and deep”), and repetition (“And miles to go before I sleep”).
Theme: The poem explores themes of solitude, contemplation, duty, and the allure of nature’s beauty juxtaposed with the responsibilities and obligations of life. The speaker is drawn to the serene beauty of the snowy woods but ultimately must continue on their journey, reminded of their commitments and obligations.

You Start Dying Slowly

Poem: “You Start Dying Slowly”
Poet: Pablo Neruda
Rhyme scheme: The poem is written in free verse, lacking a consistent rhyme scheme.
Figures of speech: Neruda utilizes various figures of speech, including metaphor (“you start dying slowly”), personification (“when you abandon your dreams”), and repetition (“If you do not change your life”).
Theme: The poem explores the gradual decline of vitality and passion when one fails to pursue their dreams, take risks, or embrace change. It emphasizes the importance of living authentically, fully, and with purpose to avoid a slow, internal decay.
Reasons to like:

Universal Message: The themes addressed in the poem resonate with people from all walks of life, making it relatable and thought-provoking.

The World is Mine – Appreciation

Poem: “The World is Mine”

Poet: Joy Lovelet Crawford

Rhyme scheme: The poem follows a consistent AABB rhyme scheme, maintaining a rhythmic flow throughout.

Figures of speech: Crawford employs metaphorical language and personification to convey the speaker’s sense of empowerment and self-assurance. For example, “The world is mine” serves as a metaphor for seizing control of one’s destiny, while personifying obstacles as “the tides that rise and fall.

Theme: The poem celebrates self-confidence, resilience, and seizing opportunities. It encourages readers to embrace their power, face challenges head-on, and assertively pursue their goals and dreams.

Reasons to like:Empowering Message: “The World is Mine” inspires readers to take ownership of their lives and destinies, reminding them that they have the agency to shape their own futures.

O Captain! My Captain!

Poem: “O Captain! My Captain!”

Poet: Walt Whitman

Rhyme scheme: The poem follows an AABB rhyme scheme in each stanza, contributing to its rhythmic and melodic flow.

Figures of speech: Whitman employs metaphorical language and apostrophe, addressing the fallen captain as a symbol of leadership and hope. The ship symbolizes the nation, while the journey represents the struggle for unity and freedom.

Theme: The poem mourns the death of President Abraham Lincoln, celebrating his leadership and the ideals for which he stood. It explores themes of loss, grief, and the enduring leg

I like the poem’s heartfelt expression of grief and loss resonating with readers It captures the collective sorrow of a nation mourning the loss of a beloved leader.


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