Writing Skills: 2023

1. Drafting Virtual Message

(1) Drafting virtual message: Imagine yourself as Ramesh. You are required to go to Pune to participate in the national level Chess Competition and hence you won’t be able to attend the class-test. Draft a virtual message for your friend Sanket in about 50 to 75 words asking him to convey the reason of your absence to your subject teacher. (2)

(1) Virtual message:

Dear Sanket,

Hope this message finds you in good health. I am writing to inform you that I won’t be able to attend tomorrow’s class-test as I have to participate in the national level Chess Competition in Pune. It’s a great opportunity for me and I don’t want to miss it. I request you to kindly convey the reason for my absence to our subject teacher and also collect the notes for me. I will make sure to catch up with the syllabus once I am back. Thank you in advance for your help.

Regards, Ramesh

(2) Statement of Purpose:

Statement of Purpose: You have a special interest in journalism. You are planning to go for a degree-course in mass-communication and work in future especially in the field of crime-reporting. You have heard about the reputed ‘Royal Institute of Mass-communication’ in the United Kingdom. Prepare a statement of purpose in about 150 words to get admission in the Institute. (3)

As a passionate learner and aspiring journalist, I am excited to apply for the degree course in mass communication at the prestigious Royal Institute of Mass Communication. My deep interest in the field of journalism and particularly in crime reporting has motivated me to pursue this course. I am confident that the comprehensive curriculum of the institute will equip me with the necessary skills and knowledge to excel in the industry.

I have actively participated in various college events, including reporting and writing for the college newspaper, and interning with a local newspaper. These experiences have strengthened my understanding of the field and inspired me to pursue my passion for journalism.

I am eager to learn from the renowned faculty members of the institute and interact with fellow students from diverse backgrounds. With the support and guidance of the institute, I am confident that I will be able to make a meaningful contribution to the field of journalism. Thank you for considering my application.

(3) Group Discussion:

Group Discussion: Imagine yourself as a participant in a group discussion arranged by an NGO working to promote swadeshi, The topic is “Traditional food provide more nutrition to the children as compared to the junk food’. There are two more participants and evaluator to share their views. Prepare a set of dialogues.

Participant 1: Traditional food is always considered healthier than junk food. It contains essential nutrients required for the growth and development of children.

Participant 2: I agree that traditional food is more nutritious, but it’s not always practical to prepare and serve it. Junk food is convenient and easily available, making it a popular choice among children.

Participant 3: While convenience is a factor, we cannot ignore the harmful effects of junk food on children’s health. It can lead to obesity, diabetes and other health issues. We need to find a balance between convenience and nutrition.

Evaluator: I agree that traditional food is more nutritious, but we need to consider practicality and accessibility as well. We should focus on creating awareness about the harmful effects of junk food and encourage the consumption of traditional food. We can also explore options to make traditional food more convenient and accessible.

4. Email Writing

(1) You are looking forward to start a Computer Institute in your area. You initially need 20 PCs. Prepare/ an E-mail to the city-dealer of DELL Comp demanding a moderate quotation for the same. (in a 100-150 words).

(1) Email to DELL computer dealer:

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to request a quotation for 20 PCs for my computer institute. I came across your company while researching for reliable computer suppliers and I am impressed with the quality of your products and services.

I am looking for moderate pricing that is affordable for my start-up computer institute. Could you please provide a detailed quotation that includes the specifications of the PCs, warranty, delivery and installation charges, and payment terms?

I appreciate your prompt response to this request as I am eager to finalize the purchase and start the operations of my institute.

Thank you for your time and assistance.

[Your Name]

5 Report Writing

Your college has celebrated “75 Anniversary of our National Independence’ by organising various socio- cultural activities between 13th and 16th August. Imagine yourself as GS. (General Secretary) of your college and draft a brief report of the celebration.

Report on College’s 75th Anniversary Celebrations:

Report on the 75th Anniversary of our National Independence celebrations held from 13th to 16th August.

The college organized various socio-cultural activities to commemorate the historic occasion. The event commenced with a flag hoisting ceremony by the college management, followed by the singing of the national anthem. The management also delivered an inspiring speech about the importance of our nation’s independence.

Throughout the four-day celebration, various events were held, including a cultural program, a speech competition, and an essay competition. The students actively participated in all the events and showcased their talents.

The event culminated with a grand finale featuring performances by local artists and a prize distribution ceremony for the competition winners. The celebration was a huge success, and it provided a platform for the students to showcase their talents and understand the significance of our nation’s independence.

Overall, the event was a fitting tribute to our nation’s independence, and it helped to instill a sense of patriotism among the students.

6. Drafting Interview Questions:

(3) One of the Ex-students from your college has recently been selected for the prestigious NDA (National Defence Academy). He is specially invited to motivate the aspiring students of your jr. college. Imagine yourself as an interviewer and prepare a set of 8 (eight) interview questions enabling your guest to share his experiences and opinions.

You may take help of the following points to draft your questions maintaining a proper sequence:

Name of the interviewee


Area of Success/Reputation

Date/Venue/Time Duration of Interview

His decision
• His idols/inspirations


• Training

• Difficulties

Challenges/Motivating experiences



Can you introduce yourself and tell us a little bit about your background and education?

Congratulations on being selected for the National Defence Academy. Can you tell us how you feel about this achievement and what inspired you to pursue a career in the defence forces?

Who are your idols or sources of inspiration, and how have they influenced your decision to join the National Defence Academy?

Can you share with us some of the training that you received at the National Defence Academy and how it has prepared you for a career in the defence forces?

What were some of the difficulties or challenges that you faced during your training, and how did you overcome them?

Can you tell us about some of the most motivating experiences that you had during your training at the National Defence Academy?

What are your goals and expectations for your career in the defence forces, and how do you plan to achieve them?

Lastly, what message would you like to give to the aspiring students who are interested in joining the defence forces, and what advice would you give to them to prepare for this career path?

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