The Inchcape Rock Std 12: Solution to Brainstorming

the Inchcape rock

Vocabulary on The Inchcape Rock

stir – हालचाल

sail – समुद्रपर्यंटन

motion – गती

keel – जहाजाचे तड

steady – स्थिर

waves – लाटा

buoy – तरंगती वस्तू

floated – तरंगले

swung – हेलकावा घेतला ( swing) 

hid – लपलेलं

surge – लाट

Swell – विस्तारने

mariners – खलाशी

perilous – धोकादायक

scream – किंचाळने

mirthful – आनंदी

wickedness – दृष्टपणा

row – नौका वल्हवणे

plague – दुखावणे

sunk – बुडाले , डुबले 

scoured – जिक्रीचा प्रवास केला

steers – जहाज चालविणे 

haze – धुके

gale – वादळ

drift – हळुहळु पुढे जाणे

vessel – जहाज

shivering – थरकाप

tore – उपटले

despair – निराशा

tide – भरती

The Inchcape Rock Paraphrase

There is no stir in the air and sea. The ship was not moving. It was calm and steady. The waves flowed silently over the Inchcape rock. They had no fall and rise. So the Inchcape rock was not seen . So it became Perilous rock. The bell was put on the Inchcape Rock by the Abbot of Abrbrothok to save the ships from wrecking. The bell would flout and swing. It would ring the warning bell. The mariners blessed the Abbot of Abhorbrothak. One day out of jealousy Sir Ralph cut the bell and threw it in the sea. He sailed away. He amassed wealth looting the marines and returned. In his return journey it was dark. They could not see land. They could not see the inchcape rock and the ship wrecked and drowned. 

हवा आणि समुद्र अगदी स्थिर आहेत. जहाज हलत नव्हते. ते शांत  आणि स्थिर होते. इंचकॅपे खडकावर लाटा वाहू लागल्या. त्यामुळे इचकेप रॉक नजरेस पडत नव्हता. जहाजांना बुडण्यापासून वाचवण्यासाठी अब्बोट अबॉर्ब्रोथक ने एक घंटा इंचकॅपे रॉक वर ठेवली होती. बेल फडफडत घुमायची व चेतावनी घंटा दयायची. त्यामुळे नाविकानी अबोरर्ब्रोथकच्या मठाधिपती आशीर्वाद देण्यास सुरुवात केली. एके दिवशी मत्सराच्या बळावर सर राल्फ ने घंटा कापली आणि ती समुद्रात फेकली. तो निघून गेला. त्याने समद्रुीजहाज लुटून संपत्ती जमवली आणि परत आला. परतीच्या प्रवासात काळोख होता. त्यांना जमीन दिसत नव्हती. त्याांना इांचकेप खडक दिसला नाही आणि जहाज कोसळले आणि बुडाले


“The Inchcape Rock” by Robert Southey is a narrative poem that tells the story of an act of treachery and its eventual consequences. The poem recounts how Sir Ralph the Rover, a ruthless pirate, removes a warning bell from the Inchcape Rock, a dangerous reef in the North Sea. By doing so, he hopes to lure ships to their destruction and plunder their cargo.However, Sir Ralph’s deceitful actions come back to haunt him when, years later, he navigates the same waters and his own ship falls victim to the submerged reef, resulting in its destruction. As punishment for his misdeeds, Sir Ralph and his crew perish in the disaster, serving as a cautionary tale about the perils of greed and betrayal.”The Inchcape Rock” explores themes of karma, poetic justice, and the consequences of one’s actions. It emphasizes the importance of integrity and the belief that ultimately, wrongdoing will be met with retribution.

Brainstorming on The Inchcape Rock

(A1) Narrate in groups the scene described in the beginning of the poem.

Ans:  In the beginning the silent sea is described. There was no stir in the air. There were no waves in the sea. The ship had no motion. The keel of the ship was steady in the ocean. The waves were too slow to move the Inchcape bell.

(A2) (i) Complete the following statements.

(a) The Abbot of Aberbrothok placed a bell on the Inchcape Rock because..      he thought the bell would warn the mariners about the dangerous rock. 

(b) The mariners were grateful to the Abbot of Aberbrothok because………… the bell placed by him warns them about the dangerous rock.

(c) The result of the thick haze that covered the sky was that………….. they could see neither the sun nor the land.

(d) The Rover in frustration pulled his hair and cursed himself because…….. the waves and rushed on all sides and his ship was sinking.

(ii) Given below are the events that give the theme of the poem in a jumbled form. Arrange in a proper sequence as per their occurrence.

(a) The waves were so small that they did not move enough to ring the bell at the Inchcape Rock.

(b) The Abbot of Aberbrothok had placed the bell on a buoy on the rock.

(c) There was a thick haze spread over the atmosphere.

(d) Ralph bent over from the boat.

(e) Sir Ralph cursed himself in despair and in his frustration tore his hair.

  • Ans:  The Abbot of Aberbrothok had placed the bell on a buoy on the rock. 
  • The Abbot of Aberbrothok had placed the bell on a buoy on the rock.
  • Ralph bent over from the boat. 
  • There was a thick haze spread over the atmosphere.
  • Sir Ralph cursed himself in despair and in his frustration tore his hair.

(iii) Describe the qualities of the Abbot of Aberbrothok in your own words.

Benevolent, Fore sighted, Big-hearted,Noble, Philanthropic, Kind

(v) ‘Jealousy’ is the most incurable defect. Justify.

Ans :  Sir Ralph developed jealousy for the Abbot of Aberbrothok who placed the bell on the Inchcape Rock. The mariners blessed the Abbot for this. Sir Ralph became jealous of him. Out of jealousy he cut the bell. On his return journey he failed to identify the perilous rock and sank.

(v) ‘But the Rover’s mirth was wickedness’. Explain this line in your own words with the help of the poem.

Ans :  The Rover was cheering and whistling out of wickedness. He had planned to cut the bell on the Inchcape Rock out of jealousy for Abbot of Aberbrothok. He asked his crew to row the boat to the Inchcape Rock. Then he cut the Bell . 

(A3) Some words in the poem are related to different parts of a ship or a mariner’s life. Given below are the meanings of those terms. Identify the word.

(a) Helps in steering the ship – row / steers

(b) The lowest part of the ship – keel

(c) Floating object that shows direction – buoy

(d) Another name for a ship – boat

(e) Sinking sound – gurgling

Figures of Speech

(ii) Select the appropriate figure of speech from the box given below and complete the table.

Examples Figure of speech Explanation
1. Sir Ralph the Rover torehis hair.AlliterationThe close repetition of consonant sounds at the beginning of words
2. No stir in the air no stir inthe sea..RepetitionThe words are repeated pleasingly.
3. On a buoy in the storm it floated and swungInversionThe line is not in a correct prose order.
4. Down sank the bell with a gurgling soundOnomatopoeiaGurgling represents the sound of drowning.
5. The devil below was ringing his knell. MetaphorThe devil is implicitly compared with death and knell with life.
6. The ship was as still as she could be.PersonificationThe ship is treated as person by using feminine gender.
7. On the deck the Rover takes his stand.InversionThe line is not in a correct order.
8. Oh Christ !ApostropheChrist is directly addressed.
Figures of Speech from The Inchcape Rock

Audio of the poem
Listen the given extract.

Activity One : Questions and Answers

Q.3 (A) Read the given extract and complete the activities given below: (10)
No stir in the air, no stir in the sea,
The Ship was still as she could be;
Her sails from heaven received no motion,
Her keel was steady in the ocean
Without either sign or sound of their shock,
The waves flow’d over the Inchcape Rock;
So little they rose, so little they fell,
They did not move the Inchcape Bell.
The Abbot of Aberbrothok
Had placed that bell on the Inchcape Rock;
On a buoy in the storm it floated and swung,
And over the waves its warning rung.
When the Rock was hid by the surge’s swell,
The Mariners heard the warning Bell;
And then they knew the perilous Rock,
And blest the Abbot of Aberbrothok.

A1 Complete the web. (02)
The Inchcape Rock

Ans : 

A2 Give reasons. (02)

Abbot of Aberbrothok placed a bell on the Inchcape rockbecause………………………………………………………………………………..

Ans: Abbot of Aberbrothok placed a bell on the Inchcape rockbecause the Inchcape rock is a dangerous rock. When the waves swell, the rock is hidden. Mariners fail to identify the existence of the rock and fail to avert the accident. Abbot of Aberbrothok  placed the bell to warn the people about the Inchcape rock. 

A3 If you were Abbot of that era, what would you do to make the ship safe from crashing atInchcape rock. (02)

Ans: If I were Abbot of that era, I would have spread floating object around the Inchcape rock. I would have arranged warning message to be delivered as soon as a ship arrives in the vicinity of the rock.

 A4 Complete the table. (02)


Examples Figure of SpeechExplanation
1.The Ship was still as she could be——–——–

2. No stir in the air, no stir in the sea 

      Figure of Speech                    
1.The Ship was still as she could be.    Alliteration  The consonantal sound ‘sh’ is repeated pleasingly.                                  
2. No stir in the air, no stir in the sea 
   Refrain     The line is repeated effectively.

A5 Compose a short poem. 
No stir in the air, no stir in the sea,………………………………………………………………………….Her keel was steady in the ocean.
Ans: No stir in the air, no stir in the sea,Cloud clean and clear seen by meThe ship was on her mission Her keel was steady in the ocean.

Click here for Have You Earned Your Tomorrow

Activity 2

A1 True/False

1. The ocean was silent.

2. The ship was sailing fast.

3. The waves were rising high.

4. The Abbot of Aberbrothok had placed the bell on the Inchcape Rock.

A2. State the importance of the bell on the Inchcape Rock.

A3. Suggest solution to warn people about the dangerous place in the ocean.

A4. No stir in the air, no stir in the sea. Name and explain the figures of speech. Find a similarexample.

A5. Write four lines about the benevolent deed of your friend.
B. Read the extract and complete all the activities given below.

Extract : The buoy of the Inchcape………….. for Scotland’s shore.

A1. Narrate the scene in the first stanza of the extract.

A2. ‘ A darker speck on the ocean green.’ Analyse.

A3. Convince Sir Ralph the Rover not to cut the bell on the Inchcape Rock.

A4. Find out two examples of inversion from the extract.

A5. Write four poetic lines on ‘boat’.

Read Song of the open Road.

Click /touch here for The Cop and the Anthem

Poetic Appreciation

Write a poetic appreciation of the poem 2.3 ‘The  Inchcape Rock’ with the help of the following points. 


About the poem / poet and the title·       

The theme·       

Poetic Style·       

Language /Poetic devices·       

Special features·       

Message, values, morals in the poem·       

Your opinions about the poem                               

2.3 The Inchcape Rock‘The Inchcape Rock’ a ballad is written by Robert Southey. He was a poet Laureate of England. ‘The Inchcape Rock’ is a very popular poem with the school children. It is about attempt by the Abbot of Aberbrothok to install a warning on Inchcape and removal by a pirate, Ralph. The pirate met with an accident on the same rock in his return journey.The poem is in the form of ballad. It tells a story. The poem is dramatic and narrative. There are seventeen stanzas of four lines each. The poem follows the rhyme scheme aabb.The poet Robert Southey has used vivid words. It creates mental pictures. The poem seems to be live pictures. Some words are repeated and created a soothing effect. The poem is enriched with poetic devices such as alliteration, repetition, inversion, onomatopoeia, metaphor, personification, simile and apostrophe.The poem gives us a message that those who do wrong things will meet with due punishment.


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