Complete Solution To Information Transfer

Information Transfer

Information Transfer: Verbal to Non-verbal: communication Skills

Read the following statements and prepare a chart of ‘Do’s’ and ‘Don’ts'(Information Transfer: Verbal to Non Verbal).

Suggest a suitable title for it: Nature is abode for all of us. It provides us with all our basic needs.

However, we must take care of the following things so that our mother nature is not harmed.

We must plant more trees.

We should not cut trees.

We must keep our area neat and clean.

We should never discharge garbage without proper management.

We should not pollute air and water.

We should not use plastic bags.

We should not hunt birds or animals.

We should use more of public transport.

We should spread awareness about the importance of maintaining balance in nature.


Save Nature. Save Earth

Do’s Don’ts
We must plant more trees. We should not cut trees.

We must keep our area neat and clean.

We should not use plastic bags.

We should use more of public transport.

We should not pollute air and water.

We should spread awareness about the importance of maintaining balance in nature.

We should not use plastic bags.
  We should not hunt birds or animals.

Information Transfer:Non-verbal to verbal

The following diagram shows important factors to be considered while choosing a career. Write a paragraph based on it. Give a suitable title to it.



Information Transfer

Information Transfer : Non-verbal to verbal

Important Career Factors 

One should be very careful and alert while choosing a career. It gives an important turn to student’s life. There are certain important factors which should be considered. Skills and demand should be taken into consideration while choosing a career. One should know what skills he can master. His interest, abilities and personality traits decides his mastery in particular skills. One should identify the interest and abilities and think about his career. Without having interest in the profession he cannot continue and get success. As skills are important, demand plays an important role in getting success in that particular career. One should study the demand and scope in the market before deciding the career. Skills can be achieved with proper preparation but the demand can be created. Financial gain is one of the important factors. So it should be considered. Family profession also helps to decide the career. The career related with family profession makes the way easy. Along with family profession, future prospects of the profession must be taken into consideration. Making a career and settling on it is a long way process. So we should take help of the career guidance institute.

Click for Communications Skills 

Information Transfer : Verbal to non Verbal

The Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC) which is located at Trombay in Mumbai,
was the brainchild of Dr. Homi Bhabha, the father of India’s nuclear programme. Dr. Bhabha
took a personal interest in designing the centre because he felt that with an indigenous
nuclear programme India would become a powerful nation. This centre, which was started
on January 3, 1954, was originally called the Atomic Energy Establishment. It was renamed
Bhabha Atomic Research Centre on January 12, 1966 after Dr. Bhabha’s death.
Over the years, BARC has done work in different scientific disciplines, including
medicine and agriculture. BARC has played a major role in increasing the share of the
nuclear power programme for generating electricity and lighting up the rural areas of
the country. BARC is, however, chiefly known for successfully conducting the Pokhran
tests both in May 1974 and May 1998.


Non Verbal Information Transfer


Location Trombay, Mumbai
Names Originally named ‘Atomic Energy Establishment’
renamed Bhabha Atomic Research Centre on 12
January 1966
Date of establishment 3 January 1954
Works Done In different scientific disciplines including
medicine, agriculture;
chief work in nuclear power for generating
electricity, lighting up rural areas of the country;
chiefly known for conducting the Pokhran tests,
May 1974 and May 1998.

Information Transfer

Draw a table diagram to represent the information given in the following passage.
There are many different kinds of musical instruments. They are divided into three main classes according to the way that they are played. For example, some instruments are played by blowing air into them. These are called wind instruments. In some of these the air is made to vibrate inside a wooden tube, and these are said to be of the woodwind family. Examples of woodwind instruments are the flute, the clarinet and the bassoon. Other instruments are made of brass, the trumpet and the horn, for example. There are also various other wind instruments like such as the mouth organ and the bagpipes.
Some instruments are played by banging or striking them. One obvious example is the drum, of which there are various kinds. Instruments like this are called percussion instruments.
The last big group of musical instruments are the ones which have strings. There are two main kinds of stringed instrument those in which the music is made by plucking the strings, and those where the player draws a bow across the strings. Examples of the former are the harp and the guitar. Examples of the latter are the violin and the cello

Information Transfer

Sr.Musical InstrumentPlayed as Examples


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